The Little Prince
The Little Prince, French Le Petit Prince, fable and modern classic by French aviator and writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry that was published with his own illustrations in French as Le Petit Prince in 1943. The simple tale tells the story of a child, the little prince, who travels the universe gaining wisdom. The novella has been translated into hundreds of languages and has sold some 200 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling books in publishing history.
The Author

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Born in Lyon, France, in 1900, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry considered himself a pilot above all else. For twenty years, he flew everything from cartography missions to commercial flights, and flying occupied a significant place in his philosophical essays and fantasy writings. The theme of aviation was often Saint-Exupéry’s launching point for more abstract discussions on issues like the search for wisdom and the meaning of life.

Saint-Exupéry began writing The Little Prince during World War II, after Germany’s invasion of France had forced him to give up aviation and flee to New York. In addition to his torturous thoughts of the war in Europe, having to leave his homeland and no longer being able to fly planes affected Saint-Exupéry deeply. The novel’s nostalgia for childhood indicates both Saint-Exupéry’s homesick desire to return to France and his hope of returning to a time of peace. This wartime stress undoubtedly contributed to the sense of urgency in Saint-Exupéry’s message of love and compassion.



The Desert
The novel is set in the Sahara Desert, a barren place ready to be shaped by experience. The desert is also a hostile space that contains no water and a deadly serpent. In this capacity, the desert symbolizes the narrator’s mind. Made barren by grown-up ideas, the narrator’s mind slowly expands under the guidance of the little prince in the same way that the deadly desert slowly transforms itself into a place of learning and, once the well appears, refreshment.
The Stars
For the pilot, stars come first as a means of navigation, for he looks at them and can orient himself. But after the meeting with the little prince, they acquire more importance for him, as one of the stars is the little prince’s home. Stars symbolize the universe, its mystery, and the unknown for people. The narrator’s final drawing portraying a single star over the lonely desert symbolizes both the little prince’s absence on Earth and his presence in the pilot’s heart and thoughts.
Water is the symbol of life. It quenches the thirst of people lost in the desert, is the source of everything existing on the earth, is the food and the flesh of everyone, and is the substance that makes revival possible. Also, at the end of the story, water stands as a symbol for spiritual fulfillment.
The Rose
Another important symbol is the rose - a symbol of love, beauty, and femininity. The little prince did not immediately discern the true inner essence of beauty and was captivated by the rose's appearance and beguiling nature. However, after talking with the fox, he understood that beauty becomes beautiful only when it is filled with meaning.
The Snake
The snake is a classic symbol of the tempter, of Death, of wisdom marred by cunning. The snake in The Little Prince isn't quite as evil as his biblical cousin, but he does offer the prince an easy way out of his misery and is ultimately responsible for his death.

The Little Prince was an importat framework for my final monologue. I tried to keep pieces of the backstory and symbolisms in my original work. Also, The Little Prince left his home, his planet and couldn't come back as millions of people who travel to other countries seeking a better life. My thesis deepens into this situation in a specic area: Galicia. Please, use the menu to continue navigating through my Online Portfolio

The Little Prince
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