I am an actor from Galicia, Spain currently doing my Masters in Acting at East 15 Acting School, London.

I am a London based actor.  I have recently worked on productions based on the work of Chekhok and Shakespeare, including performing at The Globe Teatre. Also, I have experience in short-films in both languages Spanish and English.

I’ ve lived in five different countries which has given me a very multicultural background and the opportunity to perform in theatres across Spain, Canada and the UK.


The Little Prince
Information about the famous book written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the author and symbols.
Writing & Acting
My personal journey through the writing process, all the drafts and my reflection about performing the monologue at the Corbett Theatre.
Character's Backstory
Foundation work to create the character.
B612 Imagery
Images that inspired my creative process.
Films, quotes, music that helped me develop my monologue.
Why B612?

B612 is the asteroid where the Little Prince comes from in the original text.

Here, you can find a quote from the text which, in my opinion, remarks the choice of this name for his planet
“Grown-ups like numbers. When you tell them about a new friend, they never ask questions about what really matters. They never ask: ‘What does his voice sound like?'”
A relevant fact of Oliver, my character in my monologue, is that he comes from far away. when I was writing my monologue, I had an important discovery. First of all, I stablished the setting and backstory of the character. I wanted him to be in an interrogation room but I struggled to find the reason why. The pieces in the puzzle matched when I found out that the story was about a man arrested because society doesn’t consider he is in the right place.
Therefore, I was inspired to base my dissertation on emigration in Galicia, my region, during a specific period of time.
My thesis statement

An exploration of the migration in Galicia to South America from the late 19th Century to late 20th century.


- Main factors that caused this migratory movement.
- How this migration affects the current situation in Galicia and Spain
- Parallelisms between this exodus to the current situation in the XXI Century.

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